Friday, February 19, 2010

I'm Finally Here!

After a long 12 hour flight, I'm finally here! The plane ride was actually pretty bad. I had this old woman sitting behind me who did not speak English. And she constantly kicked and pushed my chair, thus I didn't sleep for more than 30 minutes the whole way there.

I actually got in last night. My uncle picked me up from the airport and we met up with other relatives. After a good nights rest, I ate breakfast with my family and picked up my cell phone. I was hoping to get a month to month plan (pay as you go) but my uncle put me under his account for a 2 year contract....I guess he wanted me to use a cell phone for 4 months and then he'd give it to his daughter when I left.

During the flight, it was actually registration time for Yonsei classes. After making a list of 6-7 classes, I had my sister sign me up since I wasn't able to. I didn't go through it first had but basically all of the classes I wanted were filled up. I was only able to add in 2 that I had on my list:

Innovation, Entrepreneurship, and Policy
Health Education

I only put health education because it had a good time slot but I don't really want to take it. I'm currently looking for an internship right now. A professor from DukSung Women's University that I met at the Haas School of Business is helping me find an internship through his personal network. I was lucky enough to meet him when I was looking around for a seat at the BofA forum (sitting area at Haas). When I was about to leave, he asked if I was Korean and that's how it all started. I tutored his children in English for about 3-4 months before coming to Korea.

Since I'm unable to move into DMC-Ville (off campus housing) until Monday, I will be staying at my cousins in Seoul. We actually called and they said we could drop off my luggage. Picture to come soon!

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